Saturday 1 September 2007

Tastes like chicken

When I worked at GameFan we had a word to describe all the freebies sent to us by the software companies. That word was chicken. We loved chicken. We hoarded chicken. We fought wars over chicken. Chicken made every day worthwhile as we worked tirelessly to get our grubby mitts on the hottest software, toys and promotional garbage that would bombard our postbox each morning. I had an advantage with a brother living in Japan whose monthly chicken round-up was the envy of all the other staff. Most of it was magazines, games and game guides that we would tear apart for news and other stories. The rest was a selection of weird plastic licensed tat that included card games, stationary, novelty toys and plushies. Most of it is gone now as it just took up too much space but I did keep a lot of Street Fighter merchandise. We gave more coverage to the Street Fighter series than any other game hence the huge amount of material we had managed to blag over the years.


Daz said...

In your Mean Machines days were there ever any fights between you guys over 'chicken'?

I'd love to hear a story along the lines of Rad and Oz fighting over a Chun Li figurine or something silly!

Gary Harrod said...

Oz never asked for anything. He happily sat there grinning away and just getting on with the job. Mean Machines days where very amicable. The GameFan days though. A right greedy bunch of sods over there...

Unknown said...

Noice, mate. That lot looks delicious!